Epson L1800 Specification
Epson L1800 Specification |
Epson printer company is one which is quite famous as one of the manufacturer of the printer into the community choice in choosing a printer for printing, as well as to private businesses. Many people choose to use epson printers. epson printer specifications due to very good and affordable making it suitable to be used for small businesses as well as for personal use.
Epson Specification |
One of epson's latest new couple this week introduced the Epson printer L1800 became an option for smooth results with photo printer as well as good quality. In this article I will review the specifications to Your Epson L1800 read on the article given below.
Epson printing method using L1800 On-demand Inkjet (Piezo Electric) which has been patented by Epson as one of the best methods of how to print. By using a Piezo Crystal or Crystal, is the Piezo rear reservior of ink from each nozzle. These crystals attached by electrical currents with small scale so it would vibrate. Of course with this method uses the printer will print with clear and with high detail but the ink will save money in pemakaiaan.
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In addition to technology 90 Nozzles Black, 90 Nozzles per Color Epson printers can print pictures black L1800 white or color with a smooth result due to the narrowness of these nozzles-nozzles. Best Epson printer also uses this type of Dye ink that has rapidly permeated and flows better than other types of inks. But also note that the type of ink it will quickly fade or ugly when exposed to water with a splash of so noteworthy that it would be so much better if you use the Epson printer paper with matching L1800 specifically for photos like this type of glossy paper photo silky or from spectra that I often use at this time.
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And the most important technologies in Epson Printer L1800 is printed the resolution is quite large so that the printout is very smooth and Nice especially for photography lovers who like to print snapshots from his camera into a results form print out. With a resolution of 5,760 x 1,440 DPI allows exceptional prints using the epson printer is clear on this. So that review how the specifications of the technologies used on Epson printer L1800. Hopefully helpful and don't forget to read our previous article on Tips for durable epson printer.
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